Pitch Competition


Raise Funds for your
Startup in 21 Days

Participate & Pitch to win rewards worth 1 Cr

Terms & Conditions Apply*

Inviting Entrepreneurs

In the 1st edition of PITCH ROCKET, the participants will have the opportunity to pitch and raise funds from 50+ investors, along with incubation and mentor-ship support.

31st Sept


12 : 30 PM




Eligibility Criteria


Startups with ready Pitch Deck and Founders with Enthusiasm to Pitch

Revenue stage

Startup should be in the early revenue stage.

Fund Raise

Startups raising pre-seed or seed rounds will be considered.

Funding in ask

The “Funding in Ask” should be upto
INR 1 crore

Who can pitch

INR 40k – INR 75k
Actual Cost of Stay, Food &

Frequently Asked Questions

As of now, a startup can raise funds ranging from INR 20 Lakhs to INR 1Cr. on Hush Pad

There is no restriction to the type of business or sector of startups. The sole criteria required is that the product/service or offering from the startup should be unique and comes with a good potential market to cater to.

Here is all you need to know about Participating on HUSH-POD –

  • Submit Application – Link
  • On-boarding: As the first step, a startup founder is asked to share the relevant details about his business and other KYC requirements.
  • These details are collected through a form and sent to the team for vetting and due diligence.
  • Due diligence: The team verifies all the business details, vets KYC etc. to ensure that the information submitted by the startup is legitimate. Only after this will the startup be eligible to participate on POD.
  • Assessment & Selection : An online meet to assess your and your startup idea.

A startup should be:

  • Registered in India and incorporated not more than 3 years ago.
  • Execute a unique business idea with a reasonable size target market.
  • At least have an MVP ready

Our team performs complete due diligence to ensure that the details submitted by the startup are legal and valid. The critical areas against which we scans the startups are –

  • Competent Team and Advisors Background
  • Business Idea (Business Model and its USPs)
  • Traction
  • Financials
  • User experience/competitive advantages

The assessment and screening process is expected to be completed in 7 business days.
If your submission does not qualify against the screening process, the team will reach out with updates on how to rectify areas of concern before they can reapply.

Hush Pad allows startups to pitch their business ideas to Hush Investors Group ( 100+ Investors & Valued Startup Founders ). If investors are interested, they can invest in the startup in exchange for equity/convertibles.

  • Company’s
  • PAN
  • Incorporation certificate
  • Financial Projections
  • Business Idea Pitch Deck

Pitch Rocket 1.0

  • 13th July

    Application Closed

  • 2 August

    Assesment and Selection

  • 3 August

    Pitch Competation Round 1

  • 4 August

    Pitch Competation Round 2

  • 5 August

    Pitch Competation Final Round